Hi all,
I have actually just started inviting people to the site after starting it in the beginning of December and you are actually looking at the third try of the website, the other two were sloppy and I kept getting off the topic.
I just wanted to explain why I'm doing the site. As I was getting information about the environment and the world, the info started to sink in. I know it took awhile and I'm a bit thick headed, but it goes with my "invincible" personality. I never thought I would get hurt until I hurt my back, I never thought I could really get sick until I started getting little colds and such more often. Then I would hear stories about the climate changing or the Ozone layer, global warming, gas house emissions, etc. Growing up in the 70's, 80's it was an issue, but it wasn't a big one. So I thought how much can one man do? A lot of the statistics that I read would say "if one person . . ." One person? How about a group? So join me in my quest to make the earth greener for the future.
Quickly, how to use this site. Start at the bottom and read the posts in order if you'd like. Use it as a forum to share ideas, facts, and or tips. Use it to educate yourself and others on what is going on. Use it to make the future better for yourself and loved ones. Just use it.
Visit the websites I have listed to the right and I'll list more if I think they are interesting enough. If you would like to share some interesting websites e-mail me. Also visit the sponsors by clicking on the banners, I've actually found a couple of great gift ideas on them. At anytime feel free to leave a comment to any of the postings, I appreciate the feedback until you start nagging, you know who you are (lol). Enjoy the YouTube videos on the right side as well, they are suppose to be about the environment and related issues.
More importantly just sit back and enjoy, and now back to our show . . .
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