I'm not a pushy person who throws my beliefs on people and says "Here, think this way!!!!" I just write this blog when I find something that I find interesting. Over the past two weeks I have found that three of my closest friends don't read the blog and haven't read the blog since I started it (and I have two of them listed in my personal links). That is how much I am not pushy. When I see or write an article that might interest them I e-mail directly.
Since I started to make an effort to reduce my carbon foot print, I have reduce my garbage by recycling more, started using reusable bags when going grocery shopping, buying more local products, making an effort to recycle everything, switched all my bulbs to CFL, cut my showers to less than five minutes, since I do not have a area to plant a tree I have more plants in the house, unplug my electronics when I'm not using them (killing phantoms), hand out recycle bags at the Jets tailgate, bought a more efficient car, walk more often (lost weight with this one), use a reusable water bottle, spread the word without being pushy, and tried to learn about more ways to help improve the environment, the world, and the lives of the people I love. Also write this blog to spread the word. It's a long process and not one that can happen in a day, after all the big man upstairs took 6 and then took a day off.
So what are you gonna do?
i read your blog
Thank you faithful reader, I know you're always there with a quick comment if you like what you see. Keep reading I hope you continue to like it.
Keep your blog up. I read it faithfully, even when you were on sabatical.
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