The NYC Dept. of Finance, in all it's wisdom, has got me all confused. I was unfortunate enough to get a parking ticket. Now when I went to pay my ticket I decided to do it online, that way I try and save a tree. However the Dept. of Fiance adds a $2 fee if you pay online. I KNOW! Fee for what? You would think that cutting out the paper and the staff that it takes to process all the tickets that are mailed to them is saving them time and money. But no! They charge $2 because you are ensuring they receive your money in a timely fashion. $2 so they can have people prefer to mail in the tickets and possibly be late in paying so they can fine you. $2 to hire more staff to process the tickets so they can claim a deficit and charge you more in fines and violations. But hey at least the mailmen have a job security now.
Always plead not guilty. They'll respond with a penalty reduction if you pay.
Really? This was my first ticket in the past 8 years.
Yup, do it online though
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