Now that the holiday season is over it's time to remind yourself of your New Years Resolutions. You remember the one about being "Greener". If you're like me your friends and family thinks that you are hard to shop for and they got you an easy no brainer gift, A Gift Card. So what to do with them after they are used? Usually people do one of two things, they give it to the cashier to dispose of and they throw it in the garbage or you yourself throws it in the garbage. Please don't do that, they are recyclable but it takes a little work. A company called Earthworks collects the cards and recycles them. Earthworks recycles PVC plastic cards (hotel keys, gift cards, etc.) and turns them into sheets that new cards can be made of. Drop cards in the mail if your retailer doesn't already take them back. Address is: Earthworks, c/o Halprin Industries, 25840 Miles Road, Bedford, OH 44146. Magnetic strips are okay. Don't send credit cards or those that contain paper backing. Visit the site for more information. Collect them and send a bulk amount. The recycled material is used to make new cards, rulers, playing cards, tags, and many other things. It's better than going into a landfill.
Now you have one more way to being greener, so what are you gonna do?
I am Ingrid's friend, Sarah, and I decided to click on her link to you.
I love the green theme - our school is working on it this year, and another teacher just sent me to this site: thestoryofstuff.com
You might want to look at it if you get a chance.
Hey look Sam, the linked worked! Granted only one person, but hey, who's counting?
You know, I have a bunch of hotel key cards I have kept. At first I kept them because I figured it was a souvenir for myself.
Then I started keeping them because some one, cannot remember who, said that these key cards had some on my personal information on it, not sure what or if this is actually true, so I kept them.
Hey - next time you see Margaret, you should ask her.
So, now I have all these key cards, which when I moved last year, I cannot remember if I packed them or actually threw them out, sitting in a CO landfill somewhere. Sorry Sam.
So, now I started a new collection. Maybe I will keep them and send them out the next time I am in the US. But at least I know where to go when I need to get rid of the cards.
Thanks Sam.
Thanks for giving me such type of useful information about Plastic Gift Cards. Now a days it has became a wonderful resource of plastic cards.
I think. Recycling of plastic cards is a great idea. Thanks for giving me such a great information about recycling of plastic cards.
Great post! When I read your article, I really agree with you about this. I hope you will share more with us. Thank you!
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I think. Recycling of plastic cards is a great idea. I also like green theme ...
Scratch Card Printing
This is the great idea of the re-cycling of the old cards and make sure a new card ... i like you theme that using the green card .....so well tips!!!
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This is really interesting take on the concept.This is very interesting post.I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information about "Recycling Gift cards".
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Thanks a lot!
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