I had a hard time writing this post. Because I'm a fan of Kate Walsh, I think she's a good actress and she's tried to do many things for the environment such as making appearances and donating time and money. I loved her on The Drew Carey Show and honestly didn't really see her on Grey's Anatomy or her spin off Private Practice.
With that said, how can she be a spokesperson for Cadillac. Cadillac is not exactly know for their "green" cars. Do they even have any cars that have a mpg over 25? 20? But Cadillac is a big corporation that has made cars for many years blah, blah, blah. This is not the reason why I'm mad though, I read that in June she flew a private jet to a green sustainable living event. A PRIVATE JET.
When will PEOPLE, not just celebs, realize that what they say and do effect the lives of others. Whether it's thousands or millions of fans or the one or two people around them.
In the past I have forgiven attractive women for many things (being a man and all) but this is hypocrisy to the tenth degree. But then again my thing for redheads . . .
She flew to the US Open (the sustainable living event was merely a sponsor of the golfing event) in a private jet that carried several people, including the actor Aaron Eckhart. Flying people to an event in a jet is hardly much worse than using several separate gas-guzzling cars.
Dear 'That Guy',
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