A reader sent in a link to an article about the popular coffee chain, Starbucks. Now I've written about the company in the past, it offers coffee at a discount if you bring in your own coffee mug so your morning cup of fancy joe will cost you 5.67 instead of 6.40. I don't know the actual discount because I don't drink coffee. In the article, link here from the BBC News website, it talks about how each of the Starbucks franchises are instructed by corporate to run the cold water faucet during hours of operation to run it's dipping station wasting thousands maybe millions of gallons of water a day. A dipping station, for those of you who don't know, is a area in the sink to "dip" utensils to clean them to be used again and again. By having the running water it cleans out the water in the station and keeps the utensils clean. The reason why I know of this is because I had the unfortunate task of working in an ice cream shop (one of my many jobs in my misguided youth) that had a similar setup. This was back in 86' and even then they knew it was a waste of water and they made changes. Their defense is that it's the only way to ensure proper hygiene of their work stations and the faucets are on "low flow". My response blah, blah, blah. I challenge them to find a better way. It takes about 50 minutes to get your order anyway so take another second or two and turn the faucet and then rinse your utensils. Here is another link to another report of the story, HERE from the ENN website. Do you notice that no US mainstream papers are carrying the story, I wonder why? So Starbucks I ask "what are you gonna do?"
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