Tis' the season to ask yourself a question. What is "Greener" a real tree or a fake tree. I have been asking myself every year. I have some friends that prefer real trees, the smell of the tree in the house makes the season special for them. And I have some friends that prefer fake ones, because of simplicity in an otherwise hectic time.
Of course an argument can be made for both and which ever you decide please keep in mind the following to make it a "greener" holiday.
For real tree lovers please try to buy locally and make sure to follow the rules of your area for tree disposal.
For people who like fake trees, purchase fake trees that are made in the US to off set gas house admissions of transportation. Properly store your tree after using to ensure a longer life span of the tree. Treat it well and it can last for years.
What do you prefer? What do you think? Do you have more tips?
Happy Holidays to all.
So, when are you going to update your blog?
Thank you for taking the time in reading this email, this is Victoria Beckman with The green division of York Carpet. As one of the largest service companies pushing the Going Green movement forward we are actively seeking oth like minded individuals. We would like to award you as one of the top 100 blogs found online for your initiative taken towards the Going Green movement. All of the blogs recognized with our award will be publiscized via our weekly newsletter to our large client base in hopes they visit your blog as well. Please acknowledge you have received this message and I will send you a small line of html for the award image, to be posted on your blog. Thanks!
Victoria Beckman
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