To my knowledge, Bette Midler hasn't put out a new album or been in a movie recently, but yet she is still adding fans to the millions she had already. She certainly has won me over. Her work that she is doing for the local area with her New York Restoration Project, has certainly been amazing. Through the Project she encourages others to use their celebrity name to do work in the community, even teaming up with people you don't expect, like Rapper 50 Cent. But also got the locals to do work in their community this past Earth Day. I myself, helped clean and plant trees in the very same Queens playgrounds that I grew up playing in. Now she takes on the 27 time World Champion New York Yankees.
If you've driven to a Yankee game in the last five years, you might have noticed that Adopt a Highway sign on the Major Deegan (pictured above). She has adopted a highway strip there as well as other areas around the city. However the past two years she says she's been trying to get the Yankees to clean up their own area. "I'm thrilled to death that they [the Yankees] won, but would they please in their win fork over - it's so cheap - like 25 grand for a whole year," she added. "They could have flowers that say "Go Yankees!" Read more of the article from Daily News Online here.
Interesting stuff from the Adopt-A-Highway website, Adopters are asked to commit to picking up litter along the section of state highway, which is usually two miles long, at least four times a year for two years. Adopters may mow the roadside or plant flowers and other NYSDOT-approved vegetation. Adopters may also keep the proceeds they earn from any recyclable trash. Only four times a year, but Bette sends a crew out once a week on the sections that she has adopted.
So thank you Bette for doing your part and challenging and inspiring others to be greener. So now 27 time World Champion New York Yankees, what are you gonna do?
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