Friday, December 28, 2007

Target gets a little greener

I was shopping at Target today and got a couple of good things because of their after Christmas sale. I got my stuff in a plastic bag because my tote bags were full, but the thing that impressed me was that on the bag they have a plea to reuse the bag. It has printed:
10 Ways to reuse your Target Bag:

1. Tiny Trashcan Liner
2. Doggy Duty
3. Water Balloon
4. Road trip Rubbish
5. Soggy Laundry
6. Ice Pack For Head Lump
7. Toiletry Tote
8. Kitty Litter Liner
9. Tomorrow's Lunch bag
10. Care Package Padding

I still think that the best thing to do is avoid plastic bags in general because it takes at least five years for the bag to break down in the landfill, but if you do get them reuse, reuse, reuse. I have a couple of bags that I had to put a little tape on them because they got a small hole in them and I intend to use them over and over again.

What are you doing for a greener earth?

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